April 25, 2013 Thursday

A Prince that didnt know he was a prince who was raised with the farmers were ridin jet plane and twisted part was beginning of my dream, I thought they got the right prince, BUT king's stepwife didn't want him and wanted her secret son she kept away from the king and swipe her son with the real prince by dropping the real prince at a boarding school. King only saw his son when he was a baby, after that, no and his son was 13 when he got an invitation (kind of like Harry potter). And another twisted part was when the real prince grew up with his future wife (that he didn't know it was his future wife until he got the invitation from the king), she was only 3 years old when he spent 3 years with her. After that he didn't see her for long time. King's security guard said that the real prince will be meeting his future wife which was his childhood friend, but tricked him and put him at the boarding school while the fake prince's gf was supposed to tag along with him, but the queen didn't like her so she eject him on the jet plane while her son was asleep in the next room (they didn't see each other's faces, it was suppose to be a surprise) and the queen made the real prince's childhood female friend to be married to fake prince. So after all growing up and got married. My dream later revealed that the fake prince wasn't real prince. And the real prince grew up as a bodyguard for fake prince just to revenge and tell his future wife the truth 0__0

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